A special memory ... Babs Guide offers books on Argentine traditions, customs and history. These books are richly illustrated. Your reliable texts include quotes from important Argentine poets and writers and foreign travelers. They are the perfect gift to take home.
LANGUAGES: Spanish and English.
The Argentine countryside and meat production. With chapters on race, history of the rooms and cabañeros, industrialization and how to prepare the most famous Argentine countryside dish: roast. Index: Argentine Beef: The Animals - Races - La Pampa stays and Estancieros - Cattle Brands - Wiring - The Cottage - Production - Exhibition - Market of Finance - indutria Meat - Meat Argentina in the World - Characteristics of Meat - Tradition Asado - Cortes - Typical preparation of meat.
PAGES: 36.
MEASURES: 17.5 x 11.7 cm.
Link: babsguia