A special memory ... BabsGuia offers books on Argentine traditions, customs and history. These books are richly illustrated. Your reliable texts include quotes from important Argentine poets and writers and foreign travelers. They are the perfect gift to take home.
LANGUAGES: Spanish and English.
DESCRIPTION Mate, a drink made with the leaves of a tree growing in the forest, is the passion of Argentines. This book is about its virtues, its history and how it is manufactured. Index: The ceremony of mate - Plant - The development of the grass - The history of the mate - Curing the mate - Mate - Light Bulb - The yerbera cooker and kettle - Maps - As mate is primed - The virtues of the grass - Recipes - Vocabulary mate - popular expressions - proverbs - travelers and mate.
PAGES: 36.
MEASURES: 17.5 x 11.7 cm.
Link: babsguia